Authentic Sri Lankan ,Indian
, Chinese and Western dishes with mouth watering flavours and aroma’s
are higenically prepared by our well experienced kitchen staff, according
to the chief doctors advice, using fresh vegetables and spices, to suite each
ones body type. Once a week, we have a cookery demonstration, to show, how
these dishes are made. Also at the end of the treatment course, our chief
doctor, will give the guests, a list of food items, which they fined in Europe
with their dosha limits, and, it will give, all the Ayurvedic food values,
to control the individual body type.Also we include a small recipe booklet
for the guest, to take home, to prepare their own meals, at home, with the
available ingradients in their countries.. Food can change the body type rapidly
and if we know what we are eating, and control the food, it will help to,
keep the body healthy.