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Hotel Ayurveda Villa Ranmenika 2005,
Last Updated:
17 July, 2005
e-mail: [email protected]
1.What is Ayurveda ? |
According to recorded history, Ayurveda started
in India, in Himalaya about 2500 years ago, as a philosophy, introduced
by Yogis and Rishis, who are much more intelligent, than normal people,
and who could see past, present, and future, from their sixth sense,
to Explain the Life on earth and value of Nature. But in Sri Lanka,
there is evidence, by folk stories, even before 5000 years this theory
was practiced.Ayurveda also, is a way of life. |
2.Why is the explanation above doesn’t give any information, as we have heard about medicines ? |
Ayurveda is a vast philosophy, which Explains
about the lives, their origin, habitats and pattern of living, in,
all animals and plants, and their values, in the kingdom of the earth.
About the Human life, is a very small part, of this vast knowledge.
It explains Human life from the time, a man and a woman union, how
they must select their partners what qualities they must have etc;
until the combination, produce an offspring, and it further explains
until the offspring ends it’s life. Medicinal part is a very small section, when compared with the vast knowledge of human life, which is explained. in Ayurveda .Medicinal part explains how the offspring and the parents should live in their natural habitat with the help of nature to have a long healthy life.Similarly it explains medicines to other Animals too.Also it explains about surgery etc; |
3.What is the meaning of Ayurveda ? |
In Sanskrit Language Ayurveda means “Science of life” Ayu –means Life .Veda – Means Science. |
![]() Ancient hospital structure |
4.Why in most advertisements Ayurveda is explained as a health protective method only ? |
With globalization, this vast valuable
philosophy also, shrinked, to earn money. Most people, who advertise
Ayurveda even doesn’t know the basics of this valuable theory,
also the people who take treatments doesn’t want to learn. They
believe, what they are told and offered, is correct. customers are
much concerned about money, which they are paying.. If something is
offered cheaper, customers think, it is low quality, and go for the
expensive one, without knowing, that it is a created market. Because
of this, Ayurveda original theory has changed a lot, and also modified,
according to the benefit of the vendor. That is the present situation.
But the correct thing is, to learn the theory, and evaluate oneself, which is the best,. Select people, who has the correct knowledge,Experience, and willing to serve you as a service, not the type of people, who try to get in to your pocket, without proper knowledge and service. |
"If you are willing to get Ayurveda treatments from anyplace, please devote your valuable time to read this page before deciding. This will guide you to know basics about Ayurveda as well as how to select a good Ayurveda Treatment hotel."
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